Work locations important factor in regional economic growth
Work locations important factor in regional economic growth
Ecorys has noticed that increasing attention is being paid to the quality of work locations in correlation to regional economic growth.
The emphasis on the infrastructure and landscapes of business parks and their effects on the balance between supply and demand is a growing trend.
Business parks differ from each other and municipalities and regions target a variety of businesses usually in the same sector to boost development in key areas. Sectors in different regions may build working environments in a similar structure with comparable establishment requirements that are subdivided into set working environments.
Through creating a specific market image for different types of working environments, organisations’ are able to decide on which work location is best suited for their type of work. Agreements at a regional level would assist with this decision making process including office aesthetics and relevant facilities for their teams.
An important starting point for advice on work locations is the preparation of an estimate with our SPECTRA forecasting model. The model translates economic growth scenarios via space demand in the region. The quantitative demand estimate forms a good basis on relevant work locations, but ultimately a qualitative analysis is necessary in order to match the location requirements of space users to the qualities of the available supply. It is not the number of hectares/square foot that is important, but the extent to which these are met to the needs of potential space seekers/businesses.
In order to obtain a clearer picture of the quality of the available supply on industrial sites, and to provide a local interpretation of the demand for working environments, a visit to industrial sites is an indispensable part of our research. Experience from Ecorys shows that this greatly increases support among the officials, directors and administrators involved in its method of estimate and assumptions. Ecorys ensures that the discussion is not just about the accuracy of facts and figures or about methodologies, but also focuses on the way in which policy on work locations contributes to the regional and local economy.

9 April 2019
2 minute read
Key Experts
Michel Hek
Sector leader