Technical Assistance Provider to Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Strengthening Project
Technical Assistance Provider to Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Strengthening Project
Ecorys provided technical assistance to the Govt. of UP, through a World Bank funded assignment, to strengthen the State’s health sector organisational performance to enable improved efficiency and quality of public service delivery and better engagement with the private sector.
We provided Technical Assistance in ensuring that the relevant stakeholders were equipped to deliver on milestones in their respective areas. The team transferred skills and ensured capacity enhancement at the DG Cells and Project Support Unit to sustain implementation of strengthening and reform programs into the future.
The main outcome were captured under two broad areas:
Strengthened management and accountability systems:
- Improved strategic planning functions in the Health Department.
- Improved use of data for program management in collaboration with the existing Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Cell in the Department and expanding its scope to function as a Data Resource Center.
- Strengthened use of financial information for improved decision making through the existing accounting and auditing systems.
- Strengthened necessary procurement reform and supply chain management systems.
- Introduced and strengthened social accountability action research.
Improved quality of service delivery and private sector engagement:
- Strengthened institutional capacity for service quality improvement and supportive regulatory environment.
- Improved quality of service delivery at public sector hospitals to enable accreditation under the National Accreditation Board of Hospitals (NABH)
- Contracted private sector for improving quality of service delivery including diagnostic services, non-clinical support services
- Ensured availability of the full complement of human resources required for accreditation at each selected facility, and health managers at the facility level.

11 February 2019
1 minute read
Key Experts
M.S. Prakash