A decade of excellence: 10 editions of the Access City Award brochure
The Ecorys Editorial Team is gearing up to produce the brochure for the 2024 Access City Award, marking an impressive milestone of 10 editions.
What is the Access City Award brochure?
Since its inception in 2011, the Access City Award has become a hallmark of urban accessibility. At the heart of this annual celebration of inclusivity is the Access City Award brochure – a high-visibility EU publication that introduces the award, showcases the winners and acknowledges special mentions.
Celebrating 10 years of high-quality publications
In 2014 Ecorys joined forces with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), embarking on a journey to create these informative brochures. The first brochure, expertly curated by Ecorys, graced the Access City Award ceremony in 2015. Fast forward to today, our Editorial Team is gearing up to produce the brochure for the 2024 Access City Award, marking an impressive milestone of 10 editions.
Crafting a compelling narrative
The process of creating the Access City Award brochure is a meticulous endeavour. The Editorial Team’s involvement begins at an early stage – during the deliberation phase of the EU jury. This unique vantage point offers invaluable insights into the rationale behind selecting the award winners and special mentions, laying the foundation for a comprehensive narrative.
During the drafting process, the Editorial Team uses a variety of sources, including cities’ application forms, the EU jury’s feedback and desk research. The aim is to capture the essence of the winners’ achievements, celebrating their commitment to accessibility. Personal touches are added through direct communication with cities to gather quotes from prominent figures such as mayors and city managers.
The Editorial Team makes sure the brochure is written in a clear, simple yet impactful language, which is easy to understand by the general public, including non-native English speakers. This also ensures the brochure’s smooth translation into the other 23 official EU languages.
Collaboration with DG EMPL ensures a harmonious final product. The brochure’s contents are meticulously reviewed and refined, with the traditional foreword by a Commission official lending authoritative weight to the publication.
Beyond content, the Editorial Team meticulously addresses every detail. The goal is not just to inform but to inspire, presenting the award-winning cities in the best possible light. Moreover, adherence to the stringent requirements of the Publication Office of the EU ensures that the brochure is fully compliant and ready for publication with no delays.
All Access City Award brochures can be found online.

6 October 2023
2 minute read
Key Experts
Rumen Halachev
Senior Editorial Consultant