Ecorys supports EU Facility for 3.9 million Syrian refugees in Turkey
Ecorys supports EU Facility for 3.9 million Syrian refugees in Turkey
The Facility aims to enhance efficiency, complementarity, and accountability of €6 billion, provided to support Turkey in temporarily protecting 3.9 million Syrian refugees.
The well-being of Syrian refugees is ensured through access to basic needs, essential health and education services, livelihood opportunities, and supporting local communities to ensure that they are not negatively impacted by the influx of refugees. This support is being provided through over one hundred different “Actions” (projects) being implemented across Turkey by a variety of Implementing Partners, including government ministries, international financial institutions and NGOs. Ecorys is supporting the design of the Facility Results Framework (including selection and definition of indicators), developing its own Monitoring Information System (MIS), as well as supported ongoing Action-level quarterly reporting and bi-annual reporting to the Member State Steering Committee. Ecorys has also designed and rolled out an Action-level monitoring system with a suite of tools designed to generate robust and useful management information for EU staff. A particular emphasis is being placed here on obtaining feedback from beneficiaries on whether their specific needs are being met in a conflict- and gender-sensitive manner. Finally, the support is helping to build the M&E skills of Implementing Partners through a targeted capacity development programme.
To find out more information about the Facility, visit here
20 June 2019
1 minute read