Ecorys to examine the role of digital technology in supporting inclusive education

Ecorys to examine the role of digital technology in supporting inclusive education

Ecorys has been commissioned to examine the role of digital technologies within inclusive education in Europe.

The study covers the EU27, with a focus on compulsory education (primary, secondary and VET). It aims to provide the European Commission with insights to how digital technologies can promote the inclusion of all learners, with a particular focus on how schools are responding after the COVID-19 public health crisis, and to identify key messages for learners with additional needs.

The research will be carried out in two phases:

  1. to first map how digital technology has been used to promote inclusion within compulsory education across the EU27, with attention to what is happening, and what should be happening; and then,
  2. to delve deeper within a sample of 6-8 member states, to understand what works and how, and to establish the conditions for success.

Countries will be sampled using a set of equity and inclusion indicators (a ‘digital inclusion index’). Policy measures within member states will be selected to demonstrate impactful uses of technology across ISCED 1-3. A Virtual Policy Delphi will extend the inquiry to key stakeholders across the EU, through three rounds of consultation.

The outputs will include interim and final reports and an executive summary; eight (8) stand-alone country case studies, and an appraisal of 32 measures showcasing the use of digital technology to support access, equity and inclusion.

Ecorys is working with the European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP) and a panel of academic advisers to carry out this important study.

Further information 

Laurie Day 
Research Director, Ecorys 

29 September 2020

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