Inside look of the social effects of flex living

Inside look of the social effects of flex living

Many initiatives for flex housing have been developed in recent years. This has happened in various ways, in all kinds of places, by different parties and for various target groups.

There appears to be a need for an interim solution if the housing career is temporarily interrupted. Some target groups are less able to access the traditional housing market, which is becoming less and less flexible due to pressure on the market. Flexwonen is a temporary solution, but the ultimate goal is to end up on the regular home ladder again.

Due to the pressure on the housing market and demand, the call for flex housing is increasing, and with it the questions about dealing with flex housing. This is also apparent from the many meetings and congresses that are organized. In a manifesto, Aedes, the VNG, G32 and platform Thuis Thuis call on the municipalities, housing associations and the government to give emergency seekers the space by creating a flexible residential segment.

The bottleneck of this discussion is that there is no clear definition of flex living. It is essential that the various initiatives focus on temporary and not permanent forms. This temporary nature can be both temporary living (target group or rental contract) and temporary in real estate.

Click here for the Ecorys report ‘Looking into the social effects of flex living’ on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior.

9 April 2019

1 minute read