Delivering the European Commission’s annual report on international development
Delivering the European Commission’s annual report on international development
Ecorys was appointed to produce the European Commission’s 2019 annual report on international cooperation and development initiatives.
Our brief was to draft the annual report presenting the European Commission’s achievements in working with countries around the world.
We assigned an experienced journalist to write the annual report according to established news values, using source material provided by our client. Our team of proofreaders, accredited to Level 2 by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, quality assured the final manuscript and an accompanying 400-page staff working document.
Our creative services unit produced an eye-catching creative concept for the report and accompanying assets and oversaw the layout process for print and digital editions. Our creative team also delivered a teaser video for the official launch.
Our editorial experts worked together with our digital communications specialists to produce 25 animated infographics to promote highlights from the report on social media.
We are proud to have helped to raise awareness about how taxpayers’ money is addressing global challenges in ways which benefit citizens in Europe and around the world.
Find out more about editorial services provided by the Ecorys team.
5 November 2020
1 minute read
Key Experts
Robert Conaty
Editorial Team Leader