Research on Digital Transformation – Governance of human societies
Research on Digital Transformation – Governance of human societies
Michael Blakemore, Technical Director at Ecorys, has been commissioned by the European Commission Joint Research Centre to study Digital Transformation – Governance of human societies.
The JRC Centre for Advanced Studies commissioned Michael Blakemore, Technical Director at Ecorys, together with Henk Scholten to coordinate a three-year programme of innovative research to explore topics of societal importance: Digital Transformation – Governance of human societies. The overall objective of this project is to understand how the processes of digital transformation affect human society. In addition, the objective is to understand how these processes challenge policy makers and the governance of society, in particular looking 10-30 years ahead, in terms of policy development.
The project will focus on the following strands of research:
- The changing dynamics relating to the ownership, quality and use of digital data and information;
- The key societal, business, and environmental challenges relating to massive interconnectivity (Internet of Things);
- The ways in which education, training, and lifelong learning need to evolve to ensure fulfilling and healthy lives in a digitally transformed society; and iv) changes in governance processes and structures that will help guide a highly interconnected and dynamic society.
15 April 2019
1 minute read