Technical assistance to strengthen trade and investment between Namibia and the EU
The #EuropeanUnion has awarded Ecorys and our partner Expertise Advisors with the “Technical assistance to strengthen trade and investment between Namibia and the EU’’ contract.
The team is formed by experts from @ExpertiseAdvisors and @Ecorys, and over an implementation period of 2 years contract, the global objective is to enhance Namibia’s inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
This project is part of a € 6 Million EU-funded Programme “Support to the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Implementation Plan in Namibia”.
This Programme has four specific objectives (SOs):
- SO 1: Enabling institutional framework for effectively managing the EPA in the areas of SPS, TBT and Rules of Origin is in place;
- SO 2: Improved EPA-related national quality infrastructure and services;
- SO 3: Enhanced use of EPA opportunities by private sector operators;
- SO 4: Enhanced competitiveness of value chains.
This contract will implement SO 3 of the Programme. Three objectives have been identified in order to implement SO 3 of the Programme:
- Public-private engagement, awareness raising, information and communication on EPA;
- Improved trade analysis and capacity building to enhance trade performance;
- Promote trade and investment between Namibia and the European Union.
Experts with strong trade and private sector development experience, trade agreements, trade investment promotion, EU trade programmes, and European Partnership Agreement (EPA) experience will be expected to travel very soon to Namibia to participate in the kick-off meeting and start the project very soon.
Please contact Cristina Gogonetu for more information and recommendations for future actions.

26 April 2023
1 minute read