New participatory EU hub for contributing to shaping future policies and research for rural areas has just been launched
New participatory EU hub for contributing to shaping future policies and research for rural areas has just been launched
The Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors (SHERPA) is a four-year project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and is coordinated by ECORYS.
The project aims at engaging citizens, stakeholders, scientists, and decision-makers in formulating recommendations with the ambition to redefine European development policies and research agenda for rural areas. The interaction between research, policy and citizens will take place in up to 40 Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) placed in 20 Member States and in a MAP at EU level.
The SHERPA rural citizens-science-policy hub will contribute to policy development in three areas:
- providing inputs for the design of future research policies, with a focus on the preparation of work programmes under Horizon Europe;
- supporting the implementation of policies relevant to rural areas in the 2021-2027 programming period;
- helping set the direction of rural policy in the next programming period (after 2027).
At its core, SHERPA is designed to ensure the effective use of knowledge gained from previous investment in research, and empower key actors in the development of public policy in rural areas. The project will set a new standard for shaping a common vision for the future of rural areas and public participation through scoping and stock-taking of past research results, development and assessment of solutions for addressing challenges and opportunities for the next two decades.
By uniting 17 partners from all over Europe, SHERPA will build strong capacities in the field – inspiring for future engagement and evidence-based policy-making processes.
The official website of SHERPA will be launched very soon together with the Social Media channels.
25 November 2019
1 minute read