Ecorys to evaluate the Africa Programme for Peace phase 3
Ecorys to evaluate the Africa Programme for Peace phase 3
Ecorys will evaluate the Africa Programme for Peace (APP).
This programme is funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), in partnership with other countries. The programme is currently in its third phase (2014-2017) with a total budget of 28 million Euros. The research team will try to build peace and security among others. Furthermore, the evaluation aims to:
- document and assess the results (the main outcomes) of the APP, 2004-2017;
- analyse the DANIDA (Danish International Development Agency) contributions made to African peace, security and governance initiatives in terms of the value added to processes of conflict prevention and resolution;
- determine focused and targeted recommendations for enhancing the impact of the Africa Programme for Peace (in the fourth phase).
The overall objective of the APP is to promote peace and security as a basis for sustainable development in Africa. This is done through support to the development of an operational African conflict prevention capability, strengthening of the African security and governance architecture and promotion of the relationship between civil society and the regional organisations. In addition, the programme supports institutional capacity building in the organisations.
The evaluation will focus on those institutions supported by the APP. This will play a crucial role in the evolving African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and the African Governance Architecture (AGA). These institutions include the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities ECOWAS and IGAD, their member states as well as several other institutions supported by the APP that include CSOs and think tanks. The evaluation will also take into account the institutional context provided by the Danish Government itself. The context provides more information on supporting peace, security and good governance in Africa. Adhering to a “whole of government” approach, this involves not only theMoFA, but also the Ministries of Defence and Justice. The APP is one tool in a wider toolbox designed to enhance peace, security and good governance in Africa. The coherence between these various tools will be included in the scope of the evaluation.

15 April 2019
2 minute read