Ecorys highlights the positive impacts of increasing female employment in the transport sector
Ecorys highlights the positive impacts of increasing female employment in the transport sector
Ecorys, together with ISI-Fraunhofer, Panteia and PwC, are preparing a study on the impacts of increasing female employment in transport for the European Commission. The aim of the study is to highlight the, usually unconsidered positive impacts of a more diverse working environment to transport sector companies.
Employment in transport is more male-dominated than in the rest of the economy, with only 22% of employees in the transport sector being women. However, when considering mobile professions, female representation is considerably lower as, for example, female pilots account only for 6-7% of the total. Nevertheless, there are considerable indications that increasing female employment can not only expand the accessible skill-pool for companies, but also result in improved business objectives such as employee engagement, client satisfaction, productivityand productivity levels etc. Expected outputs of this Ecorys-study will include:
- A case study series of good industry practices illustrating measures taken to increase employment of female workers in transport.
- An economic benefit toolkit to support the development and assessment of company-level measures.
- A business case highlighting the benefits of increasing female participation to the workforce
By presenting the business case, companies in the transport sector may become more aware of the benefits of increasing female employment and can be stimulated to take action.
If you are aware of good company practices to increase the participation of women in the transport sector workforce or would be able to contribute in any other way to our study, please contact us as we would be very pleased to learn from your experience.