Consultancy services by Ecorys for the urban development, water and solid waste sectors
Consultancy services by Ecorys for the urban development, water and solid waste sectors
Ecorys, in partnership with AECOM, IMC Worldwide, Groupe Hiut, Koan Consulting and Affordable Housing Institute has been awarded a Framework Contract with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to provide consultancy services in the domain of urban development. Assignments coming out of the Framework Contract will have a worldwide coverage.
Ecorys brings experts and experience primarily in the domains of urban regeneration, social housing, tourism and circular economy across a wide range of countries, including EU 28, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam and the Eastern Partnership countries among others.
Assignments will include appraisal and monitoring of projects, the provision of project preparation, implementation and institutional support to promoters including supervision of major technical assistance programmes, as well as the provision of specific studies or research in the domain of engineering, economics and urban planning.
10 April 2019
1 minute read