Ecorys prepares promotional framework for industrial park in Nigeria

Ecorys prepares promotional framework for industrial park in Nigeria

In its heydays in the 1970s and 1980s the Nigerian automotive industry was a force to reckon with, with major international companies such as Volkswagen or Peugeot producing in the country. While these days are long gone, Nigerian policymakers have recently show keen interest in resuscitating the automotive industry.

A key element of Nigeria’s automotive policy is the 2013 National Automotive Industry Development Plan (NAIDP), which has resulted in considerable investment into assembly plants for completely knocked down kits (CKD). At the same time, most assembly plants operate far below capacity, and have failed to stimulate component production and value-chain deepening.

Consequently, the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment is pushing ahead with the creation of an Automotive Industrial Park in Nnewi, Anambra State. Building on a well-established industrial cluster of automotive component producers, the new industrial parks aim to attract global automotive manufacturers and OEM suppliers. These efforts are supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

UNIDO and the Federal Ministry have engaged Ecorys to develop a policy and investment promotion framework for the industrial park. In parallel, renowned Indian consulting company Mahindra Consulting Engineers Limited (MACE) will develop the industrial park’s master plan. The team has begun their work with a presentation to the Honourable Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Okechukwu Enelamah in Abuja, followed by consultations with stakeholders in Abuja and Anambra State.

The Ecorys team includes David Brown, team leader and investment policy expert; Kofi Sagoe, a distinguished veteran of the Nigerian automotive industry; Michael Fuenfzig, an expert on industrial policy; and Stephanie Bouman, economic analyst. The team builds on the rich experience of Ecorys with industrial policy formulation, industrial parks and investment policy and promotion.

Click here to view the press release by the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment

15 April 2019

2 minute read