Communication and Visibility of the cooperation of the EU with Venezuela 2021
Communication and Visibility of the cooperation of the EU with Venezuela 2021
Ecorys has been awarded the European Union-funded project ‘’Communication and Visibility of the cooperation of the EU with Venezuela 2021’’.
This project aims to improve the communication and implementation of projects financed by the European Union (EU) in Venezuela, especially those that contribute to the strengthening of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as key actors in the country’s development.
The project will start in December 2021 and will last 18 months. During this period, our team of consultants will strengthen the communication and dissemination capacities of the Delegation of the European Union in Venezuela and the organisations in charge of the implementation of the different international cooperation projects funded by the EU in Venezuela. Moreover, our experts will provide the EU Delegation with high-quality audiovisual material and P.O.P. promotional material, and will organise thematic events to support the EU in increasing the visibility of its cooperation actions in the country.
For more information, please contact Ignacio García, Senior Project Manager.
14 April 2021
1 minute read