Impact of Human Rights and Media Support in Libya
Impact of Human Rights and Media Support in Libya
Under the EU-funded Framework Contract SIEA 2018, Ecorys, together with Edburgh Consultants, has successfully performed the project ‘’Impact of Human Rights and Media Support in Libya’’.
From June 2021 to December 2021 our team of evaluators evaluated the following 6 EU interventions in Libya:
- Media in Libya – Stability through Structure
- Empowerment Support and Protection of Libyan human rights defenders
- Advancing Human Rights in Libya: Enabling CSOs to be Effective and Sustainable Agents of Change
- Media in Libya – Stability through Reconciliation
- Immediate and Direct Assistance for Conflict-Related Victims (CRV) in Libya
- Improving the reporting capacity of the Libyan Government and Civil Society to United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms
The evaluation covers the period from 2013 to 2020, and a total budget above 10 million Euros.
This has been a very complex evaluation due to the number and variety of interventions to be evaluated, but also to all the difficulties linked to COVID-19 (travel limitations, impossibility to meet in person, etc.). Nevertheless, our team of experts succeeded in delivering a very comprehensive evaluation report that has been highly appreciated by the EU Delegation to Libya.
Hopefully, our work will help for more efficient support by the European Union to Libya.
For more information, please contact Ignacio García, Senior Project Manager.

25 January 2022
1 minute read