Ecorys to continue supporting the blue economy in the WestMED for two additional years!

Ecorys to continue supporting the blue economy in the WestMED for two additional years!

This month Ecorys received very good news from the European Commission as the contract to run the WestMED Assistance Mechanism has been renewed for the next two years, meaning that our 28+ team will continue its actitivies to support a sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean until September 2022. 

Our Project Director, Jan Maarten de Vet, and our Project Leader, Javier Fernández, together with the rest of the team working from Ecorys Spain, Ecorys Brussels and the 9 concerned countries, are thrilled about this positive development and very much looking forward to continuing to work with the stakeholders and communities along the sub-sea-basin.

If you want to know more, please visit here, follow us on Twitter or contact directly Javier Fernández (Project Leader) at