Insight into cost savings and quality of life through the effects calculator
The Effectencalculator is a method to investigate (new) approaches in the social domain, but also in healthcare. On the basis of real cases, professionals and volunteers involved often discuss the effect of the approach in question together.
Why a securities calculator?
The effects calculator provides insight into:
- The added value of the approach for the client/resident;
- The involvement of different organisations: who does what?
- The costs associated with an innovative intervention: more or less than before?
- The unrealised potential of the renewed approach: what barriers are at play and how can they be removed?
- The funding streams of support: who pays what (e.g. municipality, state, citizen)?
- The effective mechanisms of an intervention: what is done, in what way and what effect does it have for whom?
Sample case study: living labs Wmo municipality of The Hague
Commissioned by the Municipality of The Hague, Ecorys conducted research in 2018 on the Wmo living labs to improve residents’ access to Wmo. Residents who turn to the municipality with a Wmo-related request for help are immediately given a home visit by a Wmo neighbourhood team member. Ecorys conducted this study using the Effect Calculator. During the effects calculator sessions, a picture was taken of exactly what the support was and what changed in the client’s life as a result of the support. The cases varied in types of support provided and issues at play to get a broad picture of the Living Lab approach.
Read the research report (in Dutch) for more information. Visit the website for more information on the impact calculator.
Do you have a question or want more information about our approach? If so, please contact Annejet Kerckhaert.
19 April 2021
1 minute read
Key Experts
Annejet Kerckhaert
Principal Consultant