Evaluation of NWO's Security and Rule of Law programme
To conclude NWO-WOTRO’s Security and Rule of Law programme, Ecorys conducted an external evaluation. For this, using a Theory of Change analysis, we provided insight into the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the programme.
In 2014, NWO-WOTRO set up the Security and Rule of Law programme to promote research that contributes to security and law knowledge in fragile states and conflict zones. This programme was developed in collaboration with the Knowledge Platform for Security and Rule of Law (KPSRL), funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Between 2014 and 2019, it resulted in 58 projects, involving collaboration between researchers in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and Asia.
Research activities
To evaluate the programme, Ecorys researchers used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods through interviews, fieldwork, surveys and desk research. The researchers conducted 59 interviews with various stakeholders, including research institutions in different countries, NWO-WOTRO, KPSRL and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ecorys also conducted fieldwork in Tunisia, Lebanon and Kenya to further understand project beneficiaries’ experiences with the Security and Rule of Law programme.
Theory of Change
Using the Theory of Change method, the researchers used the collected data to diagrammatically represent whether and how the activities under the Security and Rule of Law programme contributed to NWO-WOTRO’s stated goals. For this, we made underlying assumptions in the programme’s design explicit. We then demonstrated that the projects under the programme are relevant given the issues at stake and effectively contribute to security and rule of law knowledge in fragile states and conflict areas.
Regarding the efficiency of the programme, the researchers concluded that it was affected by the changes in the scope of programme activities introduced in 2015. This change increased the workload for the implementer. This increased costs, without a parallel increase in the available budget.
Read our full research report for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Beke.
28 December 2021
2 minute read
Key Experts
Mike Beke
Principal Consultant