Ecorys supports European Commission in fight against corruption
Ecorys supports the European Commission (DG Home) in its anti-corruption efforts. Since 2019, Ecorys manages a network of more than 54 local anti-corruption experts in several EU member states and 10 expert consultants. They regularly report on anti-corruption developments in their countries. Ecorys also supports the European Commission in organizing workshops as part of the program to share anti-corruption experiences. Furthermore, Ecorys is working on a handbook of Good Practices in the fight against corruption.
Corruption is detrimental to a country’s economic, social and political development. Corruption violates the fundamental principles of democracy and threatens the stability of political systems as it damages the rule of law and social justice. Corruption is therefore a serious problem for all EU member states. The cost of corruption to the European economy is estimated at €120 billion per year.
Ecorys and the Anti-Corruption Network support DG Home in the context of the European Semester of Economic governance and, since 2020, the Rule of Law mechanism.
29 December 2021
1 minute read
Key Experts
Jan Wynarski
Mike Beke
Principal Consultant