Assessment of grid operators' investment plans

The managers of the national transmission grid for electricity (TenneT) and natural gas (Gas Transport Services, GTS) have the obligation to draw up an investment plan once every two years. This obligation follows from the Electricity and Gas Act. Ecorys conducted a test of the investment plans in 2022, commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK).

The main question of the test is whether network operators have taken into account developments in the energy market. The assessment framework used was drawn up by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The test was carried out using 4 steps:

  1. Desk research: the investment plans were reviewed and checked for compliance with the criteria in the assessment framework.
  2. Market developments: In consultation with the Ministry, five relevant developments were identified for which it is verified whether and how they were involved in the preparation of the investment plans.
  3. Interviews: In consultation with the Ministry, a selection of parties to be consulted was made. These parties were interviewed about their experiences with the process and their views on the content of the investment plans.
  4. Alignment and feedback: our draft findings were submitted to the ministry and by the ministry to TenneT and GTS. Based on the feedback received, the final report was prepared.

The test is available on the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate’s website.

11 August 2022

1 minute read

Key Experts

Menno van Benthem

Principal Consultant