Research into the efficiency of the financial system for national monuments

Research into the efficiency of the financial system for national monuments

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has commissioned Ecorys to investigate the financial arrangements for national monuments.

Ecorys will evaluate the current financial system in the preservation of monuments. Based on this, Ecorys will make recommendations on how the system can be organised more efficiently.

The research answers the following main question: “How can the financial instruments be optimally designed to support the restoration, maintenance, re-use, sustainability and environmental value of national monuments as efficiently as possible?”

Ecorys will focus on:

  • the subsidy scheme for the conservation of monuments
  • restoration subsidies from the provinces
  • the low-interest loans from the National Restoration Fund (the Restoration Fund Mortgage, the Restoration Fund Splus Mortgage and the Sustainable Monuments Loan)
  • the Subsidy scheme for the promotion of the re-use of monuments
  • the Churches Additional Function Loan
  • the Sustainable Heritage program
  • the Vision on Heritage and Spatial Planning

This research by Ecorys fits within the “Heritage Counts” policy trajectory to update the heritage policy and to adjust the set of instruments for regulations and to design new facilities.

9 April 2019

1 minute read