Ecorys to support a sustainable development of the blue economy in the Western Mediterranean
Ecorys to support a sustainable development of the blue economy in the Western Mediterranean
Ecorys, through a joint effort of the Ecorys teams in Spain and Brussels, has been commissioned by the European Commission (EASME – DG MARE) to set up and implement an Assistance Mechanism for the Western Mediterranean Maritime Initiative.
Within the Assistance Mechanism, Ecorys will provide support to public and private organisations and their members, research institutions and universities, institutional and private investors, as well as promoters and other stakeholders wishing to be involved in the development of the strategic initiatives in the western Mediterranean sub-sea basin. The Assistance Mechanism will support the effective implementation of the Framework for Action, as well as the work carried out by the WestMED Steering Committee (WMSC).
This requires a pro-active cooperation between the Ecorys team, the European Commission and the EASME, the WestMED Steering Committee, as well as the concerned Member States and partner countries, the UfM Secretariat, and other relevant stakeholders.
The Assistance Mechanism will effectively promote and disseminate funding opportunities relevant to the implementation of the Framework for Action. It will facilitate the matchmaking between stakeholders and potential project partners in the western Mediterranean Sea basin, that wish to put forward projects in the context of the Initiative, and so making the best use of existing funding and financial instruments, including IFI’s (International Financing Institutions) assistance, as well as other public or private funding sources for the implementation of relevant projects.
The Assistance Mechanism will raise awareness, support project initiatives and disseminate information on the WestMED Initiative, its priorities and possible funding sources through a central project team, a regional/national support team of professionals on site ( national “Hubs”), and a web based platform (which will be developed on the existing WestMED website).
Overall, the Ecorys led consortium (also consisting of HCL consultants and SML) will count with a team of 28 experts working from 9 different countries for a two year period, starting last 1st October 2018. The Project Leader is Javier Fernandez, working from the Ecorys Spanish office, who will act under the supervision of Jan Maarten de Vet, Project Director, who is based in Brussels

10 April 2019
2 minute read