The future of the medical technology market – Addressing challenges and utilising opportunities
The future of the medical technology market – Addressing challenges and utilising opportunities
The outlook for the global medical technology (MedTech) market is promising, with new MedTech products rapidly emerging.
The outlook for the global medical technology (MedTech) market is promising, with new MedTech products rapidly emerging. Ecorys was commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) to present a clear picture of the future of the MedTech market, the related challenges and opportunities for different stakeholders and suggestions on how to move forward. From June until September 2018 Ecorys conducted a desk study, five explanatory interviews, thirty interviews with various stakeholders (including healthcare providers, health insurers, MedTech companies, international representatives, and government agencies), additional in-depth research, and an online Delphi panel session. In addition, an expert panel consisting of four leading experts were consulted during the course of the project.
The following trends have been selected to have an influence on the MedTech and healthcare market of the future: digital transformation, robotisation, personalised care, remote healthcare, prevention, prediction and early treatment, value based healthcare, patient ownership, and regulation (MDR/IVDR and GDPR). These trends are not autonomous but rather influence health system elements, and have an impact on the quality, accessibility and affordability of care. For each trend, we identified key issues that need to be addressed to fully utilise the opportunities and tackle the challenges for the MedTech market in the next years.
Kamerbrief bij aanbieding rapporten over medische technologie

1 February 2019
1 minute read