Corridor study and SCBA for cross-border infrastructure project Rail Ghent Terneuzen
What exactly is needed to realize optimal rail infrastructure for the cross-border port area of Ghent and Terneuzen? To answer this question, Ecorys delivered a multimodal corridor study last year and prepared a SCBA. The clients, North Sea Port, Municipality of Terneuzen, Province of Zeeland, City of Ghent and Province of East Flanders, are working together on this project, with the aim of realizing a sustainable and competitive port. In total, with financial support from EU CEF program, eleven studies are being carried out
Desk research and case studies
In the corridor study, we examined how investments can contribute to optimally functioning European rail corridors, including the North Sea Mediterranean, Rhine-Alpine and North Sea Baltic Corridors. In addition to desk research, we prepared case studies based on the experiences of existing rail clients. During in-depth working sessions with the regional business community, we looked at where future rail potential exists and what role North Sea Port, together with its customers, can play as a multimodal hub in the Hamburg-Le Havre range. With this study we also provided up-to-date insight into the “European Added Value” of investments in cross-border (rail) infrastructure.
The findings of the corridor study were input for the SCBA, which we prepared in cooperation with the Belgian agency TML. The SCBA compared the expected benefits for shippers and carriers, as well as the external effects, with the infrastructure costs of various improvement options.
For more information about the SCBA and the Corridor Study, please contact Jochen Maes.

7 February 2020
1 minute read
Key Experts
Jochen Maes
Principal Consultant