Prosperity Effect of Water Availability on the Drinking Water, Energy and Industry Sectors
Prosperity Effect of Water Availability on the Drinking Water, Energy and Industry Sectors
Ecorys supports the Freshwater Delta Program by determining the effects of drought on the Dutch economy.
Ecorys has provided insight into the type of problems that water users are confronted with; how they adapt to drought and what costs must be incurred for this. This has been expressed in euros or in terms of prosperity for the Netherlands, so that it can be compared.
Ecorys gives a specific answer to the question: how big is the problem?
With this calculation, the research team can provide insight into, which measures and the extent of investments, are of added value for Dutch society. Ecorys has worked closely with the knowledge institute Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat. The effects (extensive model results) have been translated into economic significance and relevant policy considerations.

10 April 2019
1 minute read
Key Experts
Harry van Til
Principal Consultant