Editing, layout and translation of a skills tool
Editing, layout and translation of a skills tool
The European Commission appointed Ecorys to edit, proofread, layout and translate a brochure to promote a new skills profile tool for third country nationals living in the EU.
The EU Skills Profile Tool makes it possible for third country nationals to present their skills, qualifications and experiences in a way that is understood by employers across the European Union. It helps organisations offering services to third country nationals to identify specific needs, such as language tuition, employment advice or further training, and ultimately simplifies the process of matching jobseekers with vacancies.
Our editorial team led the project, reworking the text to make it more accessible and impactful and proofreading the final manuscript to correct any errors or inconsistencies. Our editors worked closely with our creative services team and our translators to reproduce and layout the brochure in five languages.
Find out more about editorial services provided by the Ecorys team.

5 November 2020
1 minute read
Key Experts
Robert Conaty
Editorial Team Leader