New project COME RES to facilitate the development of renewable energy communities
New project COME RES to facilitate the development of renewable energy communities
Ecorys Spain has a major role in the implementation of COME RES, including the creation of a national stakeholder desk in Spain among its main activities.
Funded by the European Union (EU) research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, COME RES aims to facilitate the market uptake of renewable energies (RES) in the electricity sector. To do so, the project led by the Free University of Berlin will focus on supporting the implementation of the provisions for renewable energy communities (RECs) as defined in the new Renewable Energy Directive to be transposed in 2021.
COME RES on-line kick-off meeting took place on September 29-30 and gathered all the project partners: up to 16 organizations including public and private institutions, universities, research & development centres, associations, etc. Representatives of DG ENER and DG RTD also took part in the launch event.
With a transdisciplinary approach, COME RES aids the development of RECs in nine European countries (Belgium, Gemany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Spain). It covers different socio-technological systems including community photovoltaic (PV), wind (on-shore), storage and integrated solutions.
The countries selected range from pioneers that have gained broad experience in community energy (CE) to countries that are just beginning to develop CE. COME RES analyses legal, socioeconomic, spatial and environmental characteristics, and the reasons for the slow deployment of RECs in selected target regions.
Stakeholder desks consisting of the project partners and committed community, market and policy actors in each country take on the operational tasks. Spanish country desk is led by Ecorys Spain and ACER (Asociación Canaria de EnergÃas Renovables).
Learn more here or contact the Spanish Country Desk by sending an e-mail to:
14 October 2020
1 minute read