Final Evaluation of the EU-South Africa Dialogue Facility
The European Union and South Africa have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship since 1994, which was initially guided by the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) and subsequently the Joint Action Plan (JAP), which elevated the relationship to a strategic partnership. These documents highlight that programming by the EUD is aligned to the South African Government’s development objectives, which were further strengthened with the release of the National Development Programme, and implemented through rolling out subsequent Medium Term Strategic Frameworks.
To ensure operationalisation of the strategic intent of the EUD in South Africa and to ensure EUD efforts complement the development objectives of the South African government, the European Union-South Africa Dialogue Facility was created. This facility has been supporting dialogues between relevant European and South African experts in a range of expertise and knowledge-sharing initiatives since 2009.
With the second phase (2016 – 2023) of the dialogue facility in the process of being completed, it is now time for a final evaluation of the intervention. The aim of the final evaluation is (1) to assess the quality and the results achieved to date and (2) to establish the extent to which lessons have been learnt from the earlier Facility. It is also a good moment to assess whether the lessons learnt from the Mid-Term Review have been taken into account in the subsequent implementation period. Moreover, the final evaluation provides the ideal opportunity to identify lessons to help shape future programming.
Ecorys has been commissioned to perform the final evaluation of the Technical Assistance for the EU-South Africa Dialogue Facility. The evaluation will be carried out from August 2022 to October 2022.
For more information, please contact Ignacio GarcÃa, Senior Project Manager.

24 June 2022
1 minute read