Ecorys’ Research Response to COVID-19
Ecorys’ Research Response to COVID-19
This year has been shaped immeasurably by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent global public health emergency and economic crisis.
As researchers in the social policy sector, Ecorys’ Policy and Research (P&R) team have experienced an uptake in research in direct response to the pandemic, and have also adapted existing research projects to reflect the current restrictions. Now, more than at any other time, our social research will be critical to help our clients during this period of uncertainty and into the future.
As a response to these changing circumstances, there is an urgent need for rapid support, research and evaluation to make evidence-based decisions. The P&R team has been directly exploring the effects of the pandemic through new research, evaluation and consultancy projects. In addition, the team has been adapting existing evaluation and research designs, and proposing alternative methods and approaches to operate under the ‘new normal’ of remote working.
Ecorys’ teams continue to work across multiple offices, in the UK and Brussels, and multiple markets, in the UK, across Europe and internationally, all working remotely using the Ecorys cloud infrastructure. Ecorys has access to a network of global partners, who are able to conduct local work enabling work to continue based on the latest local travel guidance.
COVID-19 is a global issue and Ecorys has been working closely with its clients and wider networks to adapt, support and approach these unprecedented times together. For a more detailed look into Ecorys’ response to the pandemic, the new research projects and existing projects which have been adapted, please see our latest capability statement.

22 July 2020
1 minute read