Ecorys prepares six EU guidelines on urban logistics policy making
Ecorys prepares six EU guidelines on urban logistics policy making
In the past two years, Ecorys supported the European Commission via the ‘Study on urban mobility – Preparation of EU guidelines on urban logistics’. This study was led by a consortium formed by Ecorys, University of Antwerp, University of Lisbon, and Prof. Dablanc.
An efficient urban goods transport system is essential for sustainable development in urban areas. However, the system currently faces challenges due to increased urbanisation, frequency and just-in-time deliveries at businesses and homes while space and infrastructure in urban areas are reaching their capacity. This is reflecting in increasing impacts on the planet, people, and profits.
The 2011 Transport White Paper (Initiative 33) identified the need for increased attention to urban logistics. The Commission’s 2013 communication “Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility” (COM(2013) 913 Final) of December 2013 was accompanied by a staff working document “A call to action on urban logistics” (SWD(2013) 524 Final), setting out current thinking on urban logistics.
There, it was announced that the Commission would prepare non-binding guidance documents to facilitate urban logistics improvements. The consortium supported the Commission in drafting the documents. These are now published.
The report “The integrated perspective” binds the six non-binding guidance documents together and comprises all recommendations. The target group of the documents is local and regional administrations wanting to shape their urban logistics policies. Each topic includes one non-binding guidance document and one technical report (comprising a more detailed analysis).
The six topics are:
- The use of information and communication technologies;
- Treatment of logistics activities in Urban Vehicle Access Regulation Schemes;
- Engagement of stakeholders when implementing urban freight logistics policies;
- Logistics schemes for e-commerce;
- The use of environmentally friendly freight vehicles;
- Indicators and data collection methods on urban freight distribution.
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11 April 2019
2 minute read