Ecorys opens Chennai office to meet expanding business in South India
Ecorys opens Chennai office to meet expanding business in South India
Ecorys has added to its India presence with a new office in Chennai, at the opposite end of the country from its existing office in New Delhi. The Chennai office has been established to support the number of projects that Ecorys is engaged in across South India.

Specifically, Ecorys is engaged in three developmental projects in the state of Tamil Nadu, all funded by the World Bank. These projects pertain to roadway development and are being conducted in collaboration with the Highways Department of Tamil Nadu, which acts as the supervisory body.
The first of these projects is the provision of consulting support for road safety management in the state. Ecorys recommends improvements to the current road safety policy framework in accordance with international best practices, and offers assistance with their implementation.
Ecorys is developing an ambitious partnership-based approach (among the stakeholders) to the achievement of road safety goals in Tamil Nadu using a demonstration corridor of 100 km. This includes working effectively across institutional boundaries while remaining accountable to the Transport Department for agreed deliverables.
The second major project being implemented relates to process re-engineering. This includes support with the introduction of state-of-the-art technology and its integration into construction techniques, engineering processes, digital design and simulations, as well as accounting.
The objective of this digital transformation is primarily to increase efficiency of department operations across the Highways Department. In addition, Ecorys will work with a number of other stakeholders in the roadways sector, including the transport department, the police, the healthcare sector and the education sector.
Lastly, Ecorys will be engaged in evaluations to determine whether or not training may be required within the department. The Highways Department is committed towards the capacity building of its human resources to meet the challenges of the technological developments in the field of highway engineering and intended to take initiatives in meeting the challenges.

20 April 2019
2 minute read