Ecorys joins WMCA Evaluation Advisory Panel
Ecorys joins WMCA Evaluation Advisory Panel
Ecorys is pleased to have been invited to join a new advisory group as a private sector expert in evaluation.
The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) has set up the Evaluation Advisory Panel to help make sure its strategic decisions are informed by evidence. With Ecorys’ head office located in the centre of Birmingham and the company portfolio reflecting priority work areas for the WMCA, Ecorys is looking forward to making a valuable contribution to the advisory group.
Following a roundtable with local academic specialists last year, the WMCA adopted a Policy Research Plan and committed to using robust evaluation to learn from its economic and social policy innovations. “Effective research and intelligence helps to improve outcomes by informing debates, exploring options and evaluating new ways of working,” the WMCA has said.
Katharine McKenna, Associate Director of Policy & Research at Ecorys, will sit on the panel. “I am delighted to be able to support the evidence-based work of the WMCA by working alongside academic colleagues in this way,” Katharine said. “Robust research is the only way that public bodies can truly assess the effect of initiatives that use public funds.”
11 April 2019
1 minute read