Ecorys accompanies the reform of the Security and Justice sector in Honduras
Ecorys accompanies the reform of the Security and Justice sector in Honduras
The EUROJUSTICIA programme is based on a Financing Agreement signed on November 25, 2013 between the former Technical Secretary of Planning and External Cooperation (SEPLAN), the current Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Union.
The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to national efforts to combat impunity for corruption and violent crime, and to guarantee access for the Honduras population to an efficient, effective, transparent and reliable justice system, promoter of social equity. The specific objective is to accompany the reform of the Security and Justice sector in Honduras, supporting the development of the institutional capacities of said sector to guarantee an efficient and effective public service, within a framework of transparency and accountability.
The project will start in November 2018 and is expected to end in December 2018.
The mission must analyse if EUROJUSTICIA, as it was raised and has been executed to date, is capable of achieving the results foreseen in the Financing Agreement and in the different operational plans. Likewise, the mission shall carry out an assessment of the management structure of the programme and shall issue an evaluation of the current and foreseeable impact that the achievements may have. The competent services of the European Union and interested parties will be provided with an independent assessment of the execution of the programme and recommendations will be given to improve current and future actions.
Another important analysis topic that the evaluation mission will carry out is the relevance of the programme as a whole and its parts, its suitability, its sustainability and whether it has worked taking into account the fundamental principles of the EU and the transversal aspects (such as gender, environment, respect to the diversity of populations).

10 April 2019
2 minute read