Ecorys about to start support to the EU’s Services for External Aid (SEA)
We are proud to announce that Ecorys will support the European Commission to implement their Services for External Aid (SEA 2023) in the coming four years.
Starting January 2024, the SEA 2023 will replace the current SIEA 2018. The SEA is an instrument for quick and transparent recruitment of experts for activities in the interest of the beneficiary countries or authorities of the European Commission’s external aid programmes.
Ecorys will lead 4 Lots and partner on 7 other Lots in the all-new EU’s Framework Contracts for Services for External Aid (SEA 2023). This achievement opens doors for us to bid on EU-funded contracts in many of our fields of expertise.
Our Framework Contracts Unit will be involved in the following Lots:
- Lot 1: Climate change, sustainable energy, nuclear safety;
- Lot 3: Food systems, sustainable agriculture and nutrition;
- Lot 5: Science, technology, innovation and digital;
- Lot 6: Macro-economic analysis, fiscal policies, budget support (consortium leader);
- Lot 7: Micro-economic analysis, investment climate, private sector, trade and employment;
- Lot 9: Democracy, human rights, rule of law, gender equality and human rights based approach;
- Lot 10: Civil society and local authorities (consortium leader);
- Lot 11: Security, conflict prevention, sustaining peace and building resilience (consortium leader);
- Lot 15: Monitoring;
- Lot 16: Evaluation (consortium leader);
- Lot 17: Strategic evaluation.
Interested in getting involved? We’re looking for experts
Are you a leading expert in any of the fields mentioned above? Join us by sending your CV to, and let’s build the future together.
At Ecorys we look forward to starting our work and to achieve our mission: to help address and answer the most important societal challenges of our times.

15 December 2023
1 minute read