Researching the value of healthcare technology
Ecorys conducted a study for FME on ‘the value of healthcare technology’. Healthcare technology is essential to the Dutch healthcare system; it contributes to the daily functioning of the elderly, chronically ill and disabled. Furthermore, it is used by healthcare professionals in their work around prevention, diagnosis and cure. The report was presented to the representatives of the Standing Parliamentary Committee on VWS.
The aim of the study concerns mapping the market for healthcare technology. The study focuses on:
- The definition of healthcare technology.
- Determining the segments that make up the healthcare technology market.
- Given the definition and segmentation, charting the total size of the healthcare technology market in the Netherlands.
It also looked at opportunities for the future. The study focuses primarily on curative care with a focus on hospitals.
Based on available data and interviews, Ecorys estimates that general hospitals and university medical centres spent around €3.2 billion on healthcare technology in 2016. This includes investments in medical equipment (11%), as well as spending on consumables (disposables, 51%), implants and prostheses (25%) and instrumentation and equipment (14%). In addition, it appears that the healthcare technology market is in a state of flux. Indeed, within hospitals, procurement of healthcare technology is being professionalised and is also taking on a more strategic character. The report further emphasises the need for cooperation between the various stakeholders to better identify the cost-effectiveness and thus the added value of healthcare technology.
18 February 2019
1 minute read
Key Experts
Annejet Kerckhaert
Principal Consultant