Playgrounds provide Dutch society with 52 million annually
Playgrounds cost our country an average of €25 million, but it yields as much as €52 million in euros. That is one of the results of the indicative cost-benefit analysis we carried out for Jantje Beton. In it, we investigated the effects of a playground on children, parents and the neighbourhood.
Playgrounds offer children the chance to play outside with other children. This keeps them moving while developing social skills. In the future, this could save healthcare costs. If you convert that into money, it comes to around 36 million euros.
Adults benefit too
Thanks to playgrounds, there is also more social cohesion in a neighbourhood and parents and elderly people have a social network in their own neighbourhood. Playgrounds offer various activities for local residents, and organisations use their facilities. The addition of a stronger social network alone, saves our country an estimated €1 million annually.
What is an indicative SCBA?
An indicative SCBA (social cost-benefit analysis) is a widely used tool to identify the social added value of a project. The core of the tool is to identify the effects of a project on overall society and to value these effects in monetary terms (euros).
More information
View the fact sheet (in Dutch) below for a summary of the research findings or the full research report (in Dutch). Or contact Annejet Kerckhaert.

10 March 2021
1 minute read
Key Experts
Annejet Kerckhaert
Principal Consultant