Data-driven insight into the circular economy

The circular economy requires a transition of existing economic systems, processes and infrastructures. To properly shape this transition or change, a circular strategy is needed at both national and regional levels. But how do you shape such a strategy?

For policymakers, it is essential to gain insight into both the current situation and opportunities for a future-proof region and, in doing so, get a grip on the effectiveness of implemented policies.

With (public) data and the application of advanced analysis tools, Ecorys identifies relevant trends and patterns that provide policymakers with the necessary insights. Our advice supports governments in their decision-making and information provision to cooperation partners (such as co-governments, businesses) and other stakeholders. In the (Dutch) infographic below, we show some examples of how data can add value.

Want to know more? Contact our experts Karla, Dennis or Kurt.

9 October 2024

1 minute read

Key Experts

Bram Boereboom

Junior Consultant

Dennis de Koning


Karla Ritsema

Senior Consultant

Kurt Kreulen


Luc Heestermans

Senior Consultant