Ecorys presents vision on medical technology

Ecorys presents vision on medical technology

On October 8, 2018, Minister Bruins (Medical Care and Sport) sent the House of Representatives of the Netherlands three Ecorys reports on medical technology. The reports deal with the future of the medical technology sector and medical devices. Two of the reports were written by Ecorys: ‘The future of the medical technology market’ and ‘The role of medical technologies and devices for patient-centered care’.

In the future of the medical technology market study Ecorys presented a clear picture of the future of the MedTech market, the related challenges and opportunities for different stakeholders (including healthcare providers, health insurers, MedTech companies, international representatives, government agencies) and suggestions on how to move forward. The second report further discusses the role that (medical) technology can play in the future in improving the health and quality of life for patients. Within this report, the conditions for diffusion of MedTech-based integrated and efficient care models for the benefit of patients are examined.

Both reports contribute to the future of the medical technology sector in the Netherlands and to the policy vision on medical technology and medical devices. The reports are available via this link.

18 April 2019

1 minute read